Affiliates of DiMora Enterprises, LLC
DiMora Eco Watercraft - Zero pollution electric jet-skis
DiMora Custom Bikes - Stunning elegance on two wheels
DiMora Neoclassics - Timeless beauty with 21st century technology
Classic Clenet Club - Helping owners preserve their beautiful automobiles
DiMora Motorcar - Creators of the Natalia SLS 2
UPCOMING EVENTS Select for details
Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 1

Palm Springs, Calif.
Volume 1 - Issue 1

In this issue:


The Founder's Viewpoint
Creating a 21st Century Car Company

What's New?
   More Miles Per Gallon

Cool Stuff
   A Seat for Handicapped Passengers

The Racing Scene
Bernard Juchli

Backseat Driver
   A Toast to a Clever Invention

Friends of DiMora Motorcar
Dave Killackey

Favorite Cars
James Groth

A Bit of History
   The $2 Million Name

Technology Partners
   What Year is That Car?

   Luxury Resort Company Orders Fleet
   of $2 Million Automobiles


Fasten Your Seat Belts.

This is the inaugural issue of the Insider newsletter-your gateway to DiMora Motorcar's new approach to creating automobiles. These newsletters will give you the opportunity to learn about and participate in an exciting adventure. You will be educated about how our vehicles are designed, built, and tested including all manner of breakthrough technologies. You will have an opportunity to meet the people who are doing the work and to interact with our sponsors. You will be updated on the DiMora Reward$ program, what is showing on DiMora TV, and the latest results from the planned treasure hunt for thousands of prizes-including a $2 million Natalia.

DiMora Motorcar is creating what we believe to be the most incredible automobile ever to roll off the production line. The performance, technology, safety, and beauty of the Natalia SLS 2 sport luxury sedan will set standards unmatched by any other car on the planet.

While the $2 million price will limit the number of people purchasing a Natalia, the rest of us will still be able to experience and enjoy this amazing automobile.

When you look at the history of automotive development, you will find all sorts of innovations that are common on cars today that were expensive or limited to special niches such as racing when they were first introduced. But the early adopters help the inventor in several ways. They provide financial support to continue development, they provide feedback on problems encountered in using the early designs, and they whet the public's appetite for the invention. This often leads to improved versions that come down in price as production increases. The list of now-common car components that followed this path is very long, ranging from starter motors and air conditioning to fuel injection, disc brakes, and GPS navigation systems.

Click to see larger image Bernard Juchli spends most days modifying or maintaining a magnificent collection of Duesenbergs, Bugattis, Ferraris, and Harleys. But when the weekend comes, you are likely to find him in the Victory Circle at the racetrack.
Click to see larger image Dave Killackey was going to rebuild his 1956 Chevy Nomad station wagon some day. That plan got sidetracked when the car disappeared. But a week later, Chip Foose and the OVERHAULIN' crew had a little surprise for Dave.
Click to see larger image As the men and women of DiMora Motorcar develop the fantastic Natalia SLS 2 sport luxury sedan, it might be interesting to learn about some noteworthy historic automobiles. Our Favorite Cars series begins with a look at the 1956 Jaguar XK140.
Click to see larger image Naming automobiles, as when naming children, is an emotionally-charged experience. It was no different for Alfred DiMora, founder of DiMora Motorcar when he named his latest automotive creation Natalia for this is more than just a name to him.
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Editor: Robert Bliss

DiMora Motorcar
1775 East Palm Canyon Drive
Suite H121
Palm Springs, CA 92264
Office: 760-534-2317
Fax: 775-552-2317


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