Affiliates of DiMora Enterprises, LLC
DiMora Neoclassics - Timeless beauty with 21st century technology
DiMora Eco Watercraft - Zero pollution electric jet-skis
DiMora Custom Bikes - Stunning elegance on two wheels
DiMora Motorcar - Creators of the Natalia SLS 2
Classic Clenet Club - Helping owners preserve their beautiful automobiles
UPCOMING EVENTS Select for details

Making History

Making History

DiMora Motorcar Presents the Natalia SLS 2

DiMora Motorcar is creating the world's first hand-built, $2 million, sixteen-cylinder production automobile. The Natalia. The world's most luxurious, expensive, and technologically-advanced creation.

The development and unveiling of the Natalia is designed to be a premier Internet, televised, educational, and media event of unprecedented proportions. Millions of viewers from around the world will be able to watch our renowned craftsmen creating the Natalia via multiple live Web cams transmitting from our production site.

Alfred DiMora, the founder of DiMora Motorcar, based in Palm Springs, California, is known for his expertise in designing high-end luxury cars such as the Clenet and Sceptre. He was also the founder of Starbridge Systems, Inc. where he developed the world's fastest FPGA supercomputer. With his technological and automotive backgrounds, Alfred blends the two worlds together to create this new experience in automotive history.

We invite you to participate in this innovative experience. If you would like to be informed about our progress and receive our enewsletter, please complete the registration form available by clicking on the button on the top right or this Newsletter Subscription link. 

In conjunction with our sponsors, our website and events will be entertaining and educational while offering valuable promotions. There will be traveling simulator rides, DiMora TV, DiMora Reward$, and an amazing four-year treasure hunt with thousands of prizes and culminating in some lucky person winning a Natalia.


So, we invite you to explore the site to learn its many features. To be certain you do not miss a thing about Natalia, our sponsors, or your chances to help design Natalia and win prizes, click the following link to start your Newsletter Subscription now.

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