Affiliates of DiMora Enterprises, LLC
DiMora Custom Bikes - Stunning elegance on two wheels
DiMora Motorcar - Creators of the Natalia SLS 2
DiMora Eco Watercraft - Zero pollution electric jet-skis
Classic Clenet Club - Helping owners preserve their beautiful automobiles
DiMora Neoclassics - Timeless beauty with 21st century technology
UPCOMING EVENTS Select for details
Our Mission At DiMora Motorcar
The Mission of DiMora Motorcar

At DiMora Motorcar, we believe that one can achieve what one can dream. This is our vision.

Man has been building automobiles for over 120 years. Around the world today, there are dozens of major car manufacturers and hundreds of smaller auto design studios producing a wide variety of excellent cars. So why is DiMora Motorcar tackling the challenges of producing automobiles that exceed all others with power, safety, performance, technology, luxury, communications, and price?

Our vision is similar to that of the late President John F. Kennedy, when he created the Apollo program to send astronauts to the moon: "But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? … We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept…"

Similarly, DiMora Motorcar chooses to tackle our automotive challenges because they are also hard, but achievable, and we will push the limits of current technology in automotive engineering and in several other areas, as well.

The NASA space program has yielded countless benefits to mankind, from improved weather forecasting to GPS navigation for anyone; these are far more important than the thrill a dozen men experienced by walking on the moon. In a similar fashion, DiMora Motorcar will yield benefits to automobile manufacturers and consumers worldwide that are far more important than the delight a few thousand people will experience by owning and driving one of our magnificent automobiles.

When you study the history of automotive development, you will find all sorts of features that are standard on cars today, but were expensive and only available in newer luxury sedans when they were first introduced. Early car radios were bulky and expensive, and they produced low-quality sound. Today, even inexpensive cars come standard with radios that are compact, inexpensive and produce great acoustics. These would not have been possible without pioneers like Bill Lear, who risked his reputation and resources on new technology that he hoped would succeed. His creativity and hard work paid off, and the Motorola car radios of the 1930's paved the way for today's 'concert-hall quality' automotive sound systems.  It is innovations such as these that DiMora Motorcar strives to achieve.

The early consumers of new technology helped those inventors in several ways. They provided financial support to continue development, as well as feedback on problems encountered in the early models, and they generated excitement about the invention. These led to improved versions that dropped in price as production increased. The list of current, common car components that followed this path is endless, ranging from starter motors and air conditioning, to fuel-injection, disc brakes, and protective airbags.

In just one of our upcoming projects, the Natalia SLS 2 sport luxury sedan, we envision a time machine, giving us a preview of what we may be expecting in more affordable cars in the future. A minor example of the Natalia's design is the beverage holders. These will do more than just hold the Natalia owner's mocha latte or energy drink. Just a touch of the red button will keep a cup of coffee hot, or a touch of the blue button will keep a smoothie or milkshake chilled. This may seem frivolous today, but by 2012, this feature may become standard, even in very inexpensive cars.

Another part of our groundbreaking mission is providing education to the world, via DiMora TV, on automobile design, development, and production, and allowing the public to participate in the process. We encourage your opinions as we develop the features, capabilities, and components that will go into the final production of our automobiles. You can participate online in these discussions to help us decide these and hundreds of other design issues, such as assorted materials for the interior, sound systems, computer integration, etc., which has never been done before in the history of the automobile.

You may have noticed the Suggestion Box that appears at the bottom of many of our website pages. Many of the visitors to our website have their own pet projects and fresh ideas that they would like to see implemented in a great automobile. We would like the opportunity to study your ideas and evaluate whether they, indeed, would enhance a DiMora automobile. DiMora Designs may be able to help you develop and market your product. We understand the tremendous obstacles that face any inventor trying to enter the highly-competitive automotive market. The visibility and contacts we command may be just the help you need to succeed.

The educational objectives of DiMora Motorcar go far beyond just learning about the design and construction of a single automobile. We are working toward providing informative programs about a wide range of automotive subjects through DiMora TV. Initially using streaming video technology, we will provide hundreds of hours of programming on automotive subjects ranging from classic cars to the latest in racing technology. And, for those who want to delve deeply into the art and engineering of automotive design, college-level courses will be available, as well.

Our website will also serve to keep you informed of upcoming automotive events around the world. Whether you enjoy perusing the latest automobiles at a major car show, or prefer classic cars lovingly preserved at a Concours d'Elegance, we will provide the information you need to attend these special events.

In short, whether you're 9 or 99, you will find education, entertainment, fun, and prizes at the DiMora Motorcar website. Millions of car lovers worldwide will be able to participate in the dawn of a new era in car design. Join the DiMora Motorcar team, who thinks outside the box.

Let us drive your dreams.

Links to Clenet pages:
Clenet Overview
Clenet Factories
Clenet on Television
Clenet Photo Gallery
Clenet in Newspapers
Clenet in Magazines

Links to DiMora automobiles:
JX Coupe
Natalia SLS 2


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Have an idea you think should be implemented into the ultimate car? Want to see some aspect of the production process on this site?

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