Affiliates of DiMora Enterprises, LLC
DiMora Eco Watercraft - Zero pollution electric jet-skis
DiMora Neoclassics - Timeless beauty with 21st century technology
Classic Clenet Club - Helping owners preserve their beautiful automobiles
DiMora Custom Bikes - Stunning elegance on two wheels
DiMora Motorcar - Creators of the Natalia SLS 2
UPCOMING EVENTS Select for details
Natalia SLS 2 Design 3D Viewer
Interactive 3D Viewing of the Natalia SLS 2

See the Natalia SLS from different perspectives with a 3-dimensional viewer developed by Right Hemisphere. You will need Adobe Acrobat 8.1 or later or the free Adobe Reader 8.1 or later to manipulate these files. Click on the icon below to get the free software.

Adobe Reader 8

1. Click on the picture below to download the Natalia PDF file. The file is about 6 megabytes, so depending on your connection, it may take a while to download the file.

2. When the PDF loads in Adobe Reader and the Natalia image appears, click on the automobile and move the cursor around. You may have to wait a few seconds while the movement software loads. Then notice the effect that mouse movement has on the picture.

3. Clicking on various icons will produce different results. Try various combinations. Move the cursor around and see the result. Experiment with the toolbar options. Be creative! Have fun!



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